Saturday, July 3, 2010

I've been making lots of plans...

like a picket fence and rose garden.

I'm kidding, but if I wasn't. It's because everyone knows we're meant to be, [:

Ha, Jonas Brothers marathon FTW.

Anyway, so I've been meaning to start up this thing for a while. I haven't posted anything for quite some time. Not that anyone will read this or anything, it's merely for my need to post my thoughts about things. Mostly people, because I mean come on I'm a teenage girl. What more do we talk about? I'm going to be brutally honest on this thing. Mainly because, as I said before, I don't plan on letting anyone read this.

So first thing on my head is how teenage girls love to steal things.

You know the insane amount of jealousy girls have towards each other to a point in which they copy every little thing about one another? Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. As much as I'd love to say that jealousy is a form of flattery. I find it extremely annoying, to a point of anger and frustration.

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